#the chenford fandom is the best
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I love how feral we all just got from crumbs 😂
How are any of us going to survive the actual trailer? Let alone the season
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lightfiretomypaperwings · 17 days ago
Signal boost! Tabby’s literally incredible and always writes kickass fics, please consider supporting her and this amazing event. (Seriously, Tabby is truly one of the best. Fun fact: she’s the reason why I can sometimes write insane amounts of words. I used to tell myself it was a competition to be half as good as her and that motivated me to write and write and write.)
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Hey everyone! Bidding is NOW OPEN for Fandom Trumps Hate! I'm so excited to be offering two fic auctions for the Teen Wolf, Stranger Things, and Merlin fandoms, as well as for 9-1-1, Cobra Kai, and The Rookie. I'm also offering moodboards again this year for any of my fandoms. More specific info, along with where to bid and pairings, can be found here on my contributor page. I hope you'll consider bidding on me or any of the other fabulous contributors that have fan works up for auction. 
Bidding is open until Saturday, March 1st at 8pm EST.
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bronx-bomber87 · 23 days ago
Hello amazing fandom :) Ooh man this episode. I think it is my fav of the season so far. Which I know sounds insane considering what we got last week. But if you know me and been following me last couple years with my reviews, you know how much I LOVE me some Tim growth and depth. This is chock full of it so buckle in for the analysis and joy of that.
Other than our beautiful ship which I adore as you know. This is the other thing that makes my heart so happy. Plus it's pretty intertwined with their future as a couple this ep. Which excites me to no end. The episode as a whole was incredibly good too. The writers have really tapped back into the ensemble cast of it all. I adore it. I love this show as a whole and s7 is crushing it with that. Let us get started.
7x07 The Mickey
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We hit the ground running with Tim at group therapy. Not only that but thinking about Lucy and their night together. Excuse me while I freak out 30 seconds into this episode. Oh my word the raw cut of his memory has me fanning myself. The look on her face and hearing his belt buckle being undone. Holy hell. A whole week later and this scene is still ruining me in the best way lol
Look at my boy in group therapy. Not only that but one for veterans. This is the perfect setting for him. I’m so proud I could cry. I damn near do this entire episode. We see Tim just jumping right in when prompted. Definitely has been going a long time because he looks very comfortable. ALSO they know about Lucy.
This is huge. I can’t get over this. In my heart of hearts I knew he would keep going to therapy. Keep working on himself. But seeing the results on screen.*happy sigh* It brings my soul a happiness I can't quite put into words. He’s taking care of his mental health. Bettering himself by putting the work in. I could have an entire impressions just on this cause it excites me so much. Other than Chenford, Tim growth is my show crack. It excites me like no other.
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Tim sharing how far he’s come with Lucy. That he felt he had earned his way back in. Both professionally and personally. How hard he’s worked to get there. Now he's worried he's ruined it. I love his group leader nodding along and understanding him. It's so important to have that support. Just look at him so mad he gave in before he finished doing the work. Tim being so self aware is amazing to witness.
Saying he was being selfish. That he had't finished fixing what he broke with her yet. Is this a dream? This is what I’ve been WAITING for. Holy cow. Tim owning what he did to Lucy, knowing he had done it and most importantly knowing he broke them. What they had. That it's on him alone to fix it. I'm delirious with the continued growth shown in this scene.
What's that Lizzie McGuire song? ‘Hey now, hey now. This is what dreams are made of?’ My millennial is showing and I’m ok with it LOL How I feel about this opening sequence though. Encapsulates it perfectly. Cathartic and satisfying to watch after s6. After analyzing what he had done and what he needed to do in order to move forward. It's the best feeling to watch it unfold on screen.
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‘I couldn’t help myself....’ Oh my Timothy. Neither could she. That inexplicable bond wasn't to be ignored last ep. It was too magnetic in that moment. He's being SO vulnerable with his group. It's making my head spin with happiness. Telling them his first shot at being with her again broke his own boundary; That he went for it anyways. This is so good. Well done writers. I’m giddy. Love the person running this and their reply. My god it’s good. So spot on. Stating Tim’s using a lot of ‘I’ language.
Saying Lucy was a willing participant. As she always is with you my love. No one ever forces her to make the decisions she does about you. It's all her. Telling him he’s taking away her agency when he does this. *mic drop* Hot damn this is fantastic. That they made the mistake together. Not just him. It's true. She wanted him as just as badly. She too couldn't help herself. Lucy is the one who grabbed his face for that kiss. She's the one who went for his belt asking him to take this further. They did this TOGETHER. No coercion.
Takes two to tango as they say. He needed to hear this. This wasn't something he did to her. They chose it together. I love how receptive he is to this advice. Just look at his face above. Eric killing it like he always does with his expressions. He is absorbing it and internalizing what he is learning. I mean he's clearly doing this meeting before work. To get his head right before he goes in. My god how he’s evolved and the strides he's taken. I can’t even you guys. I’m feeling high off this opening section in the best way.
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Ooooh yes Lucy thinking about it too. Of course she is. Ooof love these raw shots and noises we’re getting in their thoughts. Reminds me of when Lucy was dreaming about kissing Tim in 5x01. She tries to shake it off and it comes right back to it like a boomerang. Can't keep her mind off the carnal delights she gave into with TIm. Gah I love this.
Saucy thoughts just keep rushing back to her. The first 90 seconds of this episode have me reeling in the best way. Sweet baby James. Also kudos to Melissa and her ability to convey so much with just her eyes. Her and Eric have this glorious ability to convey so much with so little.
Lucy is trapped in her thoughts and I'm here for it. I mean I can't say I wasn't in a loop watching that scene over and over the last week. heh. Celina scares the shit out of me and Lucy. Snapping Lucy out of her heated revere. God damn little lady lol She gave me a heart attack. Lucy messes up her lipstick and I’m cackling.
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Celina pointing out she put on new lipstick….Dressing up more than usual. I wonder who that’s for? hehe. Girl you could wear a paper bag and you would have Tim panting after you. But I do love her wanting to put in extra effort post 7x06. Those actions proving it was more than just 'Ex-Sex.' for her.
I mean we all know why she put it in that box. She isn't ready to handle that and I don't blame her. As I've stated before. Tim is going to have to put the work in to get her there. Until then, it's going to remain complicated af for her as she muddles through her complicated feelings for Tim. Our girl is doing her best out here everyone.
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I loved this scene with Nolan and Tim so much. Tim saying cops gossip more than middle schoolers. lmao accurate. Also ugh I remember this with post 6x06. I am LOVING post-therapy Tim helping Nolan out. Legit adoring it. Giving him some solid advice. "Feel like you don't believe yourself.' Nailed it.
Then of course turns back into being Cop Tim with how to handle it with some action. Not really John's style babe. Reminding me of s1 Tim looking for fights. With a biker gang…One the future love of your life had to wake you up from Timothy. But I do love them having a bonding moment over this.
It's cute how excited Tim is when Nolan agrees to his idea. I adored this scene so much more than I expected tbh. Pretty great watching them bond. I don’t always dislike Nolan lol I do tend to like him better when he’s with Tim LOL Or Lucy. But with Tim it’s extra good cause they don’t often share scenes. This one was gold.
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Hot damn this episode has it all for me. We get to have some protective Tim with Seth as well. *grabs ice water.* Protective with hint of feral. Yum. Gimme gimme. Always happy to have a slice of that pie. Don’t put his girl in jeopardy with your stupidity Ridley. You will answer to him if you do anything to put her at risk.
Also If this cancer ends up being a lie and Tim finds out? Phew boy he will legit end you. You think he's scary now? There will be no safe place for you to hide if that happens. That is a guarantee good sir. He will destroy you. And I will sit there with popcorn enjoying it.
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The tension inside the shop with Lucy and Seth is unreal. Palpable to say the least. It seems to only escalate and not cool off. Even with his time off for his 'treatments.' Lucy not so subtly rooting around to see if he’s lying about that. I love it. The timing was fishy af and he knows it. So he deserves this. His face when she says she might do that about his medical records. Oh my lord. Called her bluff and she rose to the occasion. I wonder if she will?
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Yay Tamara is back! My girl. I missed her. I can't believe the flirty nature between her and Seth. Last thing Lucy needs with this kid....Don’t look at her that way Seth. Lucy will strangle you to death. That is not the way to get back into her good graces you turd. Blatantly flirting with her pseudo daughter.
Appears she's reached out due to drugs on campus. Not great…..But hey UC time. Lucy says she can look like a college student for the buyer. Tamara isn’t sure and Lucy is so offended lmao I’m dying. I’ve missed their banter.
Sadly Ridley has to be used instead of Lucy. Tamara suggesting that Seth be her fake BF..... Lucy's protective mama alarm bells are going off so hard. Lucy's face when Tamara wraps her arm around him. This is gold. Well done Melissa. I'm laughing so hard. This would be cute if Seth wasn't sus af.
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Oooh teacher Tim always makes me happy to see. Ok that came out dirtier than I meant it to lol I just love to see him in his element. He observes Miles is riled up and asks why. Knowing it's more complicated than just not liking their suspect. You know Tim is far more emotionally intelligent than people give him credit for. This scene right here is proof of that.
The way he spots Miles having an issue. Handling it right then and there. Does a good dose of logic with empathy. It’s fantastic. He doesn’t eviscerate Texas for his outburst. But wants him to understand the consequences of his actions. I love watching him in T.O. mode for this reason. Man is so perfect for the job. This right here is exactly why he's such an exceptional T.O.
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It's exciting that Lucy gets the go-ahead from Grey. The not so great part is she won't have stellar backup. Poor Lucy it’s Smitty or no one. LOL Already has to deal with the flirt fest and now she has the worst backup ever. Cool beans. Just what she wanted. The day continues to get better for her....
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Lucy in UC mode is always a delight to see. Reeling Smitty in while prepping Seth. 'Tam? eww. ' Lmao Of course Smitty thinks it’s cute. Eating his damn licorice while he pops off lol Lucy's reply has me laughing so hard. 'No, it’s not.' haha Smitty is being the complete antithesis to everything she is feeling right now. She is SO unsettled and I don't blame her.
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'You’re together we get is geez.' 'Mama bear Lucy is none too pleased with this scenario. Not holding her cards to her chest at all with this. But that's our girl. Said this many times before. She's a ten but terrible at hiding her feelings. I can’t believe Smitty giving Lucy parenting advice. I’m dying. 'Do you have kids? ‘Do I.? Oh I love him. Always the comic relief. Lucy's reaction has me laughing so much. I loved this scene of levity.
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Of course Seth pushed it… He’s just lucky it worked out. Well For the the moment. Friggin Smitty praising him when Lucy is far from thrilled about all this. She is channeling Tim in this scene. The way she scolds him and asks for the product. Her gesture signaling how over his bravado she is.
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Hot damn Tim in streets with his gun/badge on display with tight jeans? Excuse me while I drool a bit. This ep gonna kill me in the best way. I'll always take Tim in non field clothes anytime. Tim and Nolan standing side by side isn’t fair to John lmao
Tim is just exuding sex appeal and authority. While Nolan exudes midwestern dad scolding his kids. LOL I'm sorry John really I am. I actually like you in this episode. So my apologies sir. That is just my fav Tim pose and no one does it better than him. Forearm porn when he does that stance too. *phew lord.* Mmmm.
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As I stated earlier I'm really enjoying Nolan in this episode. He is more human. More realistic in his failures. If they wrote him like this more I wouldn't be so hard on the guy. I used to love Nolan. Back in s1-2 he was written really well. I did start this show partly for Nathan. Eric being the other. They've been writing him better this season. With some humility and consequences for his mistakes. I'm digging it.
This scene was hilarious. John had no idea about the ring. That’s so funny. Also a friggin trip The Hammer is a softie for love. I didn't see that one coming at all. Just shows you the right person is worth fighting for or you live with the regret of it. That is the theme going forward for sure. Tim being so nonchalant about fighting The Hammer for the ring has me rolling. What makes Nolan's reaction so friggin funny.
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I’m all for Tim leaning on stuff every episode looking like a damn snack. Feral Caitlin is here for it. Cause hot damn show me those forearms all day. I'll be a happy girl I'll tell you that. Tim suggests John actually sleep if he needs it. Since he looks like a damn wreck. Ugh Tim’s face when he says ‘Hard to sleep when she’s not there.’
Rip my heart right out there Eric. Tim understands far more than you can ever know John…. *sad sigh* The pain train continues to roll through this season. With a side helping of 'hurts so good' to go with it. I'm sure Tim has had many a night where he couldn't sleep without Lucy since they broke up.
I mean they scarcely had a night apart when they dated. Only times they did was 5x21 and the fight at the end of 6x01. Other than that he lived with Lucy at his side nightly. That man feels the loss of Lucy by his side in more ways than one. You can see how it haunts him as he agrees with his statement. Gah this episode is just so damn good. I can't get over it. This scene of theirs is my favorite of the episode.
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John asking if he can ask a personal question? 'Usually I'd say no, but I've been working on being more emotionally available.' Be still my damn heart. Knowing pre-therapy Tim would've said no. But wanting to continue to put the work in he says yes to Nolan. This ep has me floating on cloud 9 you guys. Oh my Timothy, how you have grown so damn much. I'm misty and squeeing.
John eagerly pulls up a chair next to Tim. I do love Tim helping Nolan sort this mess out. I really do. It's creating a bond I never expected to love this much. The advice he is giving. Holy hell. Color me impressed. Look at how this man has emotionally evolved. How he can speak of his ex-wife with such emotional maturity and clarity.
That had he tried sooner he would've seen the broken mess of his marriage. Telling Nolan he can't just ignore this and hope it goes away. Because if he does he will end up same way his marriage did. That if he doesn't try now he's only going to fracture their relationship beyond repair. This is such SOLID advice he is giving John. It's insane.
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I am blown away by his emotional depth in this scene. His clarity sharper than it's ever been. Tim continually sees and is reminded of what he did to Lucy. Using it as a cautionary tale for Nolan. Giving a piece of himself to drive home his point. Telling him not to make the same mistakes he did with Lucy. Side note, look at how soft his eyes are when he speaks about her btw. Eric killing the game as always. I love that Isabel is what is brought up but Tim ends with Lucy. This is where the growth is momental.
And if you can't get excited about this. About how huge this is for his character. For their future as a couple. Then I'm doing a bad job of explaining why. Because this is HUGE step in the right direction. Tim is telling John he gave up long before he should’ve. That he left mid-battle. Left Lucy holding the emotional bag of it all in that battlefield. Basically telling John he regrets how he handled it all. How he handled his treatment of Lucy and their relationship. The way he went about their breakup. Regretting the breakup all together really. That he gave up and retreated before he should've.
Fandom. I’ve had dreams about him saying this kind of stuff. To hear him acknowledge what he did to her. That he still has work to do. And why he still does. The next battle is getting him to relay those things to Lucy. It would un-muddy those waters so quickly if he did. Give her the clarity she’s been yearning for since he left her in that parking lot in 6x06. Clarity we’ve all been waiting for her to have. But as they say patience is a virtue. Tim even tells Nolan one step at a time. We gotta heed that same advice. This is no small fix Tim is undergoing here.
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Tim is tormented by the decision he made in 6x06. It's written all over his face at the end of this scene. Telling John that he is gonna spend the rest of his life wondering if he could’ve done more. Been better. I adore the writers taking their time with this all. With Tim, their relationship, and Lucy. Because as forever grateful I am for s6. For getting a shortened season win on the heels of the writer strike reconciliation.
It didn’t have the time to flesh out everything and let it breathe the way this season is doing. Honestly I am grateful the heartbreak was in a shortened season. Or we would be dealing with that now instead of a s7 if we didn't get it. It would’ve hurt even more in a longer season. S7 is taking what couldn’t be fleshed out and delved into with s6 this season. I am personally loving the delayed gratification. It’s lending to wonderful scenes of growth like this.
Also like to say how proud I am of how far Tim and Nolan’s relationship has come. This a massive far cry from the s1 pair up they had watching a convict. Tim has grown so so much for this scene to take place. I keep saying how I could cry at how happy this makes me. But it's because this is what I hoped for with this season. This level of depth and growth before a reconciliation. It's going to make when they do that much sweeter. I guarantee you it will. The writers are crushing this season. It's a legit a joy to see come to life.
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Oooh I love Lucy calling Tim needing his help. Her go to. Shows he's still her person. *le sigh* Tim was clearly was giving himself some time to decompress after that heavy convo, but he immediately picks up knowing it's his girl. Her reaching out will always make me happy. Tim tells her he will get himself replaced to go help her. God I love these two so much. Always have each others back when they need them. Never change you two.
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I love Lucy Chen so much. BAMF level of bad assery in this scene. Doesn't turn around for most of this scene. Wants him to understand the gravity of this situation. To know he is VERY lucky this worked out the way that it did. That it had nothing to do with his skill in this case. She is cold as ice with his mentioning of Tamara. I love it. She has learned that hard edge from her man. Once again embodying Tim. Especially with telling him she had no keys LOL Classic.
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The scene with Tamara and Lucy made me so bummed. Seth is infecting her world in more ways than one. I legit had zero idea the writers would go this route. I love that they've surprised me so much with this kid though. Lucy going into mama mode saying she can't date him. When teenager 101 says you do that they'll go running toward that choice. *sigh*
Tim coming in while Tamara shuts her down made me giddy. Asking right away what that was about? Going into protective dad mode himself when he hears why. Mmm. Asking ‘Want me to put the fear of Bradford in him?’ Heh I was all for it. Lucy too. She honestly considers it by saying 'Yeah.' I love the look he gives her following that. Knowing that isn't actually what she wants. Because the man knows her so damn well.
That it's just a gut reaction to knock some fear into this guy. Lucy responds to his knowing look saying no.... That it'll just make things worse....That it will. Sadly. This is not going to end well. But's Tamara's mistake to make. Look at them co-parenting Tamara like the good ole days though. my heart
Oh my word that episode was SOOO good. The growth alone had me buzzing. I an enjoying this season so very much. I can't wait to see what next week has in store for them. Thank you as always to those who support these. Without fail means so much to me. Every like, Comment ( come chat with me I love it) and reblog are noticed and appreciated by me. Shall see you all in 7x08 :)
Side notes
Of course Smitty has been divorced three times lmao
Damn look at James pulling one over on Nyla to talk. Loving the realness of this season. He just laid down the gauntlet with her whew lord.
Holy crap that shelter lady was a bad ass. She didn’t win but gave him a good fight. Run for his damn money that's for sure. Loving the empowered women in this season.
Celina you cannot flirt with the bad guy omg lol The hammer is back. Loving this call back.
‘Tough woman often come with dark stories.’ I felt that deep in my soul.
Nolan getting actual consequences this season. I’m digging it. Like a lot. Grey reminding him how many times his shop been stolen before. Yikes John...
What a bad ass Celina Juarez has turned out to be holy cow. I love her. Just sprayed his ass she closed the door lmao Don't got time for that macho fight.
Man never thought relate to Bailey on something. But that hospital scene I did. Her saying emotional isn't the same as physical. I hate that for her. Because I know what that is like. Some people do treat it like it’s not as bad when it is.
Emotional abuses is just as scarring as physical. If not more because it’s harder for people to see your scars. To see what you’ve lived through mentally and survived. Writers are doing a very good job this season. You got me to empathize and relate to a character never had a connection with. Well done.
'He cannot help you heal if he’s doesn’t know what’s still alive inside you.’ Damn if that isn’t true for Tim as well with Lucy.
The Hammer helping them oh my lord that was amazing. Because he wanted a clean slate and new chance at love.
Texas my word. What a man offering up his services to her shelter. Loving this kid more each week.
I love Harper’s new group this is awesome. Look at her listening to James. Also Wopez got her there. That was really good. Working together to making policing better. I love it sfm. Very them. They have the same common goal just had to tweak how they handled it. Yay they have good depth this season. Excited to see where they go.
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months ago
Creepy, But Special
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x goth!fem!ME!reader
Summary: Tim sees a woman in a cemetery after dark and can't stop thinking about you. When he calls for the M.E. and you arrive, he gets a chance to find out more about you.
Warnings: spoilers for 5x22, r is an ME and performs an autopsy, mentions of past judgement and insults, fluff, Tim gets kinda flirty even while there's a dead body between them?
Word Count: 2.5k+ words
A/N: The request said shy reader, but she's pretty open with Tim so I didn't include it in the pairing dynamic. R is very professional with the other characters, though, so that could be considered shy, I think. And, as always, ignore the Chenford gif🤭
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“Kojo, c’mon,” Tim urges as Kojo tugs the leash away from Tim.
Kojo has been taking his time on this walk, more of a stroll to sniff everything than a walk, but Tim is ready to get home. When Kojo returns to Tim’s side and begins trotting again, Tim rewards him with a whispered compliment: “There’s the best boy.”
As they near a cemetery, however, a cat meows inside the open gate, causing Kojo to stop again. Tim shakes his head but watches Kojo as his ears perk, and he looks into the narrow gate opening.
“No, Bazinga,” someone says from inside the fence. The cat meows again, and this time the voice - pretty voice, Tim’s mind corrects – laughs. “How are you going to do a séance if you can’t talk, Bazinga?”
Tim and Kojo step to the inside edge of the sidewalk for a better view. Tim should know better than to let his guard down here, but when he realized that the creepy cemetery cat had supervision, he needed to know more. Standing at the fence, he can see a gray blanket spread across a small clearing. You’re sitting on the blanket with a large book open across your lap. A black cat, Bazinga, presumably, roams around you before jumping onto your shoulder.
Tim can’t help but be intrigued by you. He can tell you're young in the dim light of a nearby streetlight. While he’s simultaneously drawn to you and put off by your odd choice about where you relax, Tim lets his logic win and snaps for Kojo to heel beside him. With one final glance at you, Tim leaves you in the dark but remembers your voice long after you ask your cat, “What do you think about the black cat stereotype and how well you fit into it?”
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When Tim wakes the following morning, his first thought is you. Part of him wonders if he imagined you, a young woman dressed in black reading in a cemetery in the middle of the night, yet he can’t get you off his mind even as he rises and gets ready for work. Now that overtime has been approved, he has to focus on catching the masked individuals who attacked Aaron and Celina just hours after he saw you.
Once he hears Aaron and Celina’s statuses, it’s easier to forget you and your cat. When they find Roy Gracco and prepare to enter his house, Tim doesn’t even remember his previous cemetery-side walk.
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Tim leads the alpha team into Gracco’s home, prepared for anything, but is surprised to find the house clear and cold.
“Drop the gun! Drop it!” he demands as he rounds a corner.
“I think he’s dead,” Nolan calls.
Tim approaches him slowly and confirms that Gracco is dead, 10-5-5.
“It’s a trap,” Nolan realizes aloud.
“Abort! Abort! Abort!” Tim yells. As he exits Gracco’s house, he radios, “Control, I need the bomb squad to the target house for a full sweep. Send the M.E. and TID out here, standing by for a priority search once the house is clear.”
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“Yep, got it,” you reply to the police dispatcher.
Your work phone buzzes with a message containing the address where you’re needed. The van is prepped and ready to go, so you only grab your phone, keys, and seal-wrapped black coveralls. When you arrive at the house, dozens of police officers, crime scene investigators, and city officials are waiting.
“Sergeant Grey?” you ask as you approach him. “Has the house been cleared?”
“Almost. Bomb squad’s doing a final walk-through,” he answers. “The officers who found the body are inside and ready to assist you.”
“Dispatch said the air had been cranked down to delay decomp. Do you know if anyone touched the thermostat?”
“No. Sergeant Bradford made sure the house stayed in the same condition as how they found it.”
“All clear,” one of the bomb squad members calls as he exits. “Your people are free to enter.”
“Hold up,” Grey calls to TID. “Let the M.E. get what she needs first.”
“Thank you,” you call over your shoulder as you approach the front door.
“Hi, I’m Officer Chen,” an officer greets you as you enter. “Bradford, M.E.’s here.”
“Sergeant Bradford, I hear you preserved the scene and the body. Thanks,” you tell him as you set your bag down.
Tim doesn’t reply, too intrigued that you, a woman who hangs out in cemeteries with her black cat, is the M.E. That and your age, to be more precise.
“What’s the temperature in here?” you ask, looking up at him.
“Fifty-eight,” he answers quickly, shaking himself out of his thoughts and reminding himself not to stare.
“Fifty-eight,” you murmur as you scribble something on your paper. “Then I’m putting time of death between 1 and 2 a.m.”
“Before Aaron and Celina were ambushed,” Lucy says.
“How can you limit it to an hour?” Tim asks. Not because he’s overly interested in your method but because everything you say and do interests him. He wants to hear you talk again. To him, preferably.
“The air temperature and confinement slowed decomp but also affected the blood coagulation. Because of that, and knowing the average maintained temperature since death, I can calculate it with a bit more accuracy,” you explain.
Tim nods and looks at Lucy, who seems to know why he took a sudden interest in forensic science. He has a dozen more questions he’d like to ask you, very few of which are about the case, but you frighten Tim Bradford just enough that he falls silent to let you work.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” you say suddenly.
“Is everything okay?” Tim asks.
“Yeah, just this little guy.” You straighten and extend your hand to show Tim a moderately large spider. “There’s a web in that windowsill, he must have been confused by the temperature drop.”
You cup your hand as you walk toward the window and gently place the spider back on its web. Tim watches every little move you make, trying not to be convinced that you were in a cemetery and are still dressed in black merely because you’re creepy.
“So, based on positioning, lividity, and blood coagulation around the wound in his hand, I’m confident that my estimate of 1 to 2 a.m. today is accurate. More, I’d say that he was unconscious when both the bullets and the knife entered his body. There’s no sign of jerking or resisting, and the stiffness in his spine suggests that he’s been positioned like this for closer to a day.”
“A day?” Tim repeats. “How could he be in one position for nearly ten hours before being shot and stabbed?”
“Was he alive when he was stabbed?” Lucy inquires.
“Yes,” you answer her. “He didn’t react in any way to that pain and the lack of naturally dried blood around the wound, so he was likely already in a state of statis. His heart rate was likely low, the temperature was impeding the healing process, and, as I’m sure you know, bullet wounds don’t close on their own.”
“Then why lead us here?” Tim wonders.
“This is related to the cops that were attacked this morning?” you ask. “I heard about the riddle.”
“Is there anything else you can tell us?” Tim asks.
“I don’t think you’ll find much in this house other than him.”
“I agree.”
“If Gracco is a patsy,” Lucy interjects, “then we should be asking why him?”
“He’s a felon with a history at Mid-Wilshire,” Grey answers as he walks in.
“Sure, but there are hundreds of guys like that. So, why Gracco? Did they pull his name out of a database or is there some kind of connection?”
“You think it’s personal?” Tim asks.
“Look, if I was gonna go to the extreme of targeting police officers, why not take out some of my enemies along the way?”
“That’s gotta count as a goth point,” you murmur.
“Costs us nothing to run with that,” Grey points out. “Get back to the station, check Gracco’s known associates, family, coworkers, anyone he did time with that might hold a grudge. Run them against people that we arrested. And say a prayer while you’re at it.”
“Actually, Grey, can I escort the M.E.?” Tim asks.
You look up from your spot on the floor, and Tim looks away quickly because he suddenly thinks that in that position, you look like a cat.
“Do that,” Grey agrees. “We don’t know what we’re dealing with. Chen, Nolan and Harper are at the station and ready to assist you.”
“Yes, sir,” Lucy replies as she exits.
“Why do I need an escort?” you ask once you’re alone with Tim.
“Because we don’t know what we’re up against and I don’t want to find out the hard way that we’re closer than we think,” he answers.
You nod as you stand, then remind Tim that you have to prepare the body to take back to the morgue. He nods and steps aside, hands clasped, happy to watch you.
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“Got it,” Tim says into his phone. “Pine’s got Metro mobilized; do you need me to come back?”
You pull your gloves on as Tim ends his call. He steps toward you and says, “I’m clear to stay with you.”
“Why?” you ask.
“All of our bases are covered. So, if you find something, we need to know.”
You shrug as you concede. It’s not that you don’t want Tim with you; you are confused about why a decorated Metro Sergeant would want to keep you company while you perform an autopsy.
“If you want a mask or anything, they’re in the black case behind you,” you tell him.
“Of course it’s black,” Tim muses.
“Meaning?” you inquire as you mark your incision points.
When you look toward him, Tim gestures to your outfit. You certainly don’t dress like other medical examiners. Or act like them, for that matter.
“What do you have against black?” you tease. “Or are you just jealous of the Converse?”
Tim smiles as he tips his head and replies, “I would rock some studded black Converse, right?”
“Totally. I’ll hook you up with my shoe guy. He might want to see you in the heeled version first, though.”
“So, why’d you become a medical examiner?” Tim asks as you begin the first cut in Gracco’s chest.
“What do you think?”
“Love for science?” Tim guesses.
You lift the scalpel and narrow your eyes at Tim. “Most people just assume I’d like to dig around in dead people.”
“Why? Because you wear black and pick up spiders?”
“Amongst other things.”
“What other things?”
You shake your head and argue, “You have to tell me something about you first.”
“I like the Dodgers.”
“Wow,” you drawl. “Mark me as shocked and surprised.”
“I’m a cop, there isn’t much time to do things worth telling.”
“Fine, I’ll go first but you better have something when I’m done.”
“Yeah, of course. Just, one more thing. How old are you?”
“Twenty-seven. Don’t you dare say oh, you look older, or wow, you must be smart, I really can’t take hearing that again.”
“I didn’t think you must be smart. You clearly are,” Tim replies.
“Good answer. You still want to know about me?”
Tim nods, and you tip your chin down to continue the autopsy as you speak.
“So, you can tell that I like black and spiders… I feel most alive in the fall, Halloween is my favorite day of the year. And cats! They’re much better than spiders because you can watch horror movies and Beetlejuice with them, and birds bring out their violent sides. But cats will also read witch books with you and listen to music, hang out in cemeteries. All the stuff that gets you labeled a ‘creepy weirdo’ is more fun with a cat.”
“Has someone called you a creepy weirdo?” Tim questions.
“More times than I can count. But I have another list that’s longer.”
“A list of what?”
“The coolest tattoos I’ve ever seen.”
Tim hesitates before he asks, “On dead people?”
“Some,” you admit honestly. “Most of them are on live people, though. They’re not as cool when the skin underneath isn’t moving or filled with blood.”
“Is this where you call me a creepy weirdo?” Tim shakes his head, and you add, “I guess I’ve just always felt drawn to stuff like that, and it makes me happy, so why should I care what people say about that?”
Tim leans against a table across the morgue from you as you continue to work. He asks a few questions as you work, but the autopsy is as simple as expected. Gracco was killed. There’s no additional evidence about who killed him or why, and his body is relatively clean and well-preserved.
“Sorry I couldn’t be more help,” you tell Tim as you discard your gloves. “If it was a full moon I may have been more help.”
“Because you like full moons, I assume.”
“It was actually a weak werewolf joke, but yes, I do.”
“Does Bazinga?”
You freeze beside Tim before you look up at him to ask, “How do you know my cat’s name?”
“You said it,” Tim answers.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Not today, uh… I saw you in a cemetery a few nights ago.”
“I knew there was someone out there! Bazinga thought it was a ghost.”
Tim nods, unsure of how to keep the conversation going. You both want to keep talking, but there’s something Tim can’t ask, and you aren’t sure you can answer. So, you trace the shape of a crescent moon on your wrist to encourage yourself.
“Will you go out with me?” you ask quickly.
Tim opens his mouth to answer, but you add, “You don’t have to! If I’m misreading this or you’re just being nice and really do think I’m crazy, I understand.”
“I’d love to,” Tim answers when you fall quiet. “Maybe Kojo and I could join your next cemetery picnic.”
“You don’t think that’s creepy?”
“Really creepy,” Tim answers dramatically. “But you like it, so I’d like to see why.”
“What’s your shoe size? I’ll bring you some black Converse.”
“With studs?”
“Wouldn’t you be the stud?”
Tim laughs as he follows you into your office, but his phone rings with an update from Sergeant Grey and he quickly exchanges numbers with you before he leaves. Later, you remember that you never asked who Kojo was, and the picture Tim texts in return to your question makes you smile in your lonely office.
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“How nervous are you?” you ask as Tim and Kojo meet you outside the cemetery.
“Probably not as much as I should be,” Tim answers with a smile. “Just don’t tell me we’re eating with someone, uh, someone in there.”
“No, of course not.” You open the gate and joke, “We’ll ease into that.”
“Where’s Bazinga?”
“Bazinga is a cat. In the picnic basket.”
You help Tim spread your favorite blanket on the grass and join him and Kojo as you set the food out. Tim watches you and realizes you’ve never been creepy, scary, or a weirdo. You’re special and if this spot beside you has been left open for him by people underestimating or judging you, he’ll make sure you know how special you are.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months ago
Oh if they hate that article with the buddie photo then they really are gonna hate that this also dropped today
An article showing 13 tv partners with undeniable chemistry. Now correct me if I’m wrong but, I see Buck and Eddie on the list…… but no sign of Tommy 👀👀😂😂 and not only are buddie on the list, they use a photo of them on the cover photo along with a couple others. The other fun thing about this list? Some of the pairs on it are known as some of the arguably best partners turned romantic partners in tv history amongst them. And Kirk and Spock are also listed. They were the literal OG fandom shipping pair that started it all.
What a fucking list to be in the middle of. Mulder and Scully, Kirk and Spock. The law and order ones. Chenford, OA and Maggie, Tandy and Tyrone. Like dude, those are SOLID partners on television. Great list.
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theawkwardanglophile · 2 years ago
Sending so much love to the organizers of Chenford Week! Thank you for all the beautiful content and hosting such an inclusive event!
Thank you so much, anon! Passing on that love to our lovely collaborators @sgtbradfords and @theawkwardanglophile as well!
And sending our thanks to all of the amazing gif makers, fic writers, fan artists, graphic makers, vidders and fans who took part in this week, and a second thank you to everyone who has been commenting on those fics and reblogging the pretty art.
We had over 250 amazing things made for this event across the board and we have all of you to thank for it. We'll have a master list posted later this week where you can find everything for this week in one place so stay tuned!
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kanerallels · 3 months ago
And I would be remiss if I didn't suggest a ficlet of my emotional support ship from a fandom I'm not in, chenford. Maybe something to do with decorating a tree?
I'm so delighted that this is your emotional support ship, it's a fun one! (also I. am not answering these in order I'm gonna do my best with most of them but it might be a little all over the place. I'd like to post one a day, though!)
When Tim opened the door to Lucy’s apartment, he stopped short, staring at the chaos before him. Sometime between now and the last time he’d been over (which had been only two days earlier, now that he thought about it), the living room had erupted into a fountain of Christmas decorations.
Boxes were stacked here and there, several of them open and overflowing with tinsel and ornaments. There were several hopelessly tangled strings of lights, stockings were strewn across the couch and the counter, and Tim spotted a few Santa hats on a chair.
“I know,” Tamara said. Tim glanced up to see the girl standing at her room’s door, observing and wearing a Santa hat of her own. “It’s like the North Pole threw up in here.”
Tim choked back a laugh as Lucy appeared from her own room, directing an indignant look at Tamara. She was wearing a green sweater with a red holly print, and was cradling a cookbook in her arms. “Good, you’re here,” she said, smiling at Tim in a way that he knew would have him doing whatever she was about to ask. Not that he minded all that much.
He maintained a stoic expression all the same, and lifted an eyebrow at Lucy. “You texted me 9-1-1 on my day off for a Christmas emergency?”
“We need a tree,” Lucy said, giving him a pleading look.
Crap. Tim sighed. “Fine. I’m not helping you decorate it when I get back though.”
“We’ll see about that,” Lucy said with a grin Tim couldn’t help but return.
Christmas ficlet ask game!
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paceywittters · 2 months ago
I 100% agree with what you're saying about Lucy. Most fans just seem to think she's absolutely perfect and Tim carries all the problems in the relationship. I hated the way the 5 player trade fight ended with Tim just letting it go with no real apology from Lucy. She lied and kept this big secret from him after telling him that she wanted an open and honest relationship, and for Tim, after Isobel lying to him and keeping secrets from him, I feel like he shouldn't have forgiven her that quickly. But I imagine it goes back to his childhood of not wanting to make waves/ cause problems because it was safer for him that way. Tim has some serious trauma to work through (as does Lucy, she didn't have the best of childhoods either with her parents not supporting her, which probably made her feel like she had to be perfect at everything all the time and never fail) and I really hope we get to see them dealing with it all and being honest with themselves and each other. If done right it could be really good to watch, we just need to have some patience to get there and the fandom doesn't seem to have a lot at the moment.
thank you for sharing this - and i do agree with a lot of what you’re saying. i don’t entirely think we’ll ever see them grappling with the things we want them to because at this point it could be hard to translate on screen/would put a lot of faith in the casual audience to remember things, but i hope for the sake of the story it happens. totally agree though that the fandom needs to be a bit more patient - i get that now that chenford went there romantically, people don’t want to wait anymore…but that’s how you find the best story, imo.
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chenfordsbee · 11 months ago
If you don't love me at me worst, you don't deserve me at my best and this is how I feel with the fandom in their views of Tim right now or chenford. 😇
This is insane because the show said to us with words, we don't have to guess. He feel awful about himself, the breakup, he think lucy deserve better, he is mad at himself and he want to get better yet if you only read some tweets or posts you'd think he walk away from Lucy because he was tired of playing the perfect couple and wanted to hit the club and have some fun. He didn't cheat or betray her.. I know some peoples hate him now but it made me love him even more tbh. He is so real. I love good complex characters and when things aren't easy otherwise it's boring. Nolan is right here if fans want things easy and perfect. Yet they hate him because he is boring so ?? I don't care about Nolan but just saying.
I’m truly surprised at how fast some people seem to have given up on Chenford because of the breakup. I’m actually interested in seeing these characters grow and evolve and try to deal with their issues. And we know that Tim has a lot of trauma, from his past, and I always wanted them to really dig deep into it.
And to see a grown man actually seeking help, and realizing that he needs some kind of therapy is SO important. I want to see that. Rather than the “always and perfect and easy” stuff!
Of course, it doesn’t change the fact that it hurts to see both Lucy and Tim like that, but that’s realistic, and it makes you want to root for them (both individually and as a couple) even more in my opinion.
We do need more complex characters on tv, especially ones that are actually trying to work on themselves for the better.
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tevantarlos · 3 months ago
New Fics: 10/1/24 - 12/23/24
10/1/2024: Fandom: Sullivan's Crossing Pairing: Caggie Fic: Grief and What Comes After 10/3/2024: Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star Pairing: Tarlos Fic: A Change Will Do You Good
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star Pairing: Tarlos Fic: Hard Evidence 10/6/2024: Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: BuckTommy Fic: Days Like Today 10/20/2024: Fandom: Queer as Folk (US, 2000) Pairing: Britin Fic: If It Was Up to Me
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: BuckTommy Fic: Someone to Count On
10/23/2024: Fandom: Shadowhunters Pairing: Malec Fic: No More Misery
10/26/2024: Fandom: Shadowhunters Pairing: Malec Fic: With Me
11/5/2024: Fandom: Eve Pairing: J.T./Shelly Fic: Something A Little More Serious 12/3/2024: Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: BuckTommy Fic: Nowhere Else I'd Rather Be
12/16/2024: Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: BuckTommy Fic: More Than Friends
12/17/2024. Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: BuckTommy Fic: Together Again Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: BuckTommy Fic: Consumed
Fandom: Wildfire Pairing: Krunior Fic: Simply Yours
12/18/2024: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Linstead Fic: Sweet Perfection
12/19/2024: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Chexton Fic: It's Not Fair
Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Pairing: Rollisi Fic: Beautiful Disaster
12/20/2024: Fandom: The Rookie Pairing: Chenford Fic: The Best Gift Is You
12/21/2024: Fandom: Shadowhunters Pairing: Malec Fic: Under the Tree
12/22/2024: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Linstead Fic: My Only Wish For Christmas
Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: Your Heart Beats With Mine
12/23/2024: Fandom: The Rookie Pairing: Chenford Fic: Wrapped Up With A Bow
Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upstead Fic: You're Safe Now
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caterpillareyelashes · 2 years ago
i like how the entire The Rookie fandom have collectively decided the best part of the show is Chenford… i’ve seen a total of like four posts that weren’t about them
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mostowa · 9 months ago
_This might not be popular, but I really think that something shifted in their dynamics in late S5 (and I genuinely believe it was also always partially missing) and I think the break-up really helped to dig into this problem._
Please could you write more about this? What do you think has changed between them? When did this start and why?
Hello Nonnie!
So... Yeah. It's quite a hard topic for me, because I really don't like being the one to stand out in a cheering and positive crowd that this fandom has been. But, I will do my best to explain what I mean, too.
Disclaimer is that I binged The Rookie until 6x04 and I really believe that when you binge things you might miss the details, that with this pairing has always been important. In short: disclaimer is that I might be wrong.
I also need to say that my views come from a place of being an anxious person that has often been dismissed regarding her feelings and even belittled.
With all that in mind, let me try to explain my mindset a bit. Some of the parts I have already explained in this post. So if you've read it it might be kind of repetitive.
While I've loved Chenford since 3x12 and Green Dress, I've always found it disturbing how Tim approaches Lucy in her low moments. It's not that he approaches it bad. I just honestly think that his approach has always been quite bantery (17st place) and definitely more action than words style. There is nothing bad with that, I just don't truly believe this is good for anxious Lucy. I really think that Jackson was always the best kind support for her. I think the core thing for me was that Jackson always acknowledged her feelings and tried to be supportive, before providing solution. For me the part of "acknowledging her feelings" is the part that I haven't seen that much in Tim.
I think I noticed it hard in the documentary 5x18, when it almost felt like Lucy was in denial about being so optimistic about their relationship, while Tim was grumpy and protective over himself and his image. I think this is where I saw this shift (not sure if it was also the shift in the characters), that maybe Tim might have some serious doubts about their relationship.
For me, this is this surface level relationship problem that dr London called him out for. It is that he does not know how to be together, how to be deep in a relationship. He tried that once and look where it got him (it was not his fault by any means).
For me, it carried in the late S5 and early S6 so much so that it led to their break-up. That Tim chose to put up some walls instead of finding resolution. And, again, it's not that I blame him for that. Hell, with kind of childhood and past that he has it is incredibly in character. But he is also a grown up man that needs to take responsibility of his life and people around him. That's why 6x10 made me so excited: the dynamics are a-changing. He is starting to tear down his walls brick by brick and learn what does being together actually means.
Because I feel that as anxious as Lucy sometimes the "being together" is what she understands at her core. Hence the hug, the jump and all the big things she's been doing for him (after the break-up and before too, of course). Of course, she is not crystal (Nyla is, lol! sorry for the dad joke). She jumped on this train very quick and very enthusiastically and they never really had a real convo about their feelings.
I think it really blew up with Ray, when Tim just ghosted Lucy and kept her in the dark for so many hours. It's not a good communication, let's say straight forward it is just a really encyclopedic example of bad communication. He gets wrapped up in his own world and cannot quite wrap his mind about what Lucy needs. I hope that will get changed, because, well Tim was not a good partner then.
Just to sum this all up. I've already started to see some progress with Tim's character and I really really hope they keep on showing this in S7. This is my biggest hope for S7, actually.
I really, really hoped I answered your question. Y'all! Tell me if I'm wrong, please!!!
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bronx-bomber87 · 16 days ago
Well hello there lovely Fandom :) This has to be one of the best of eps of season so far. Tied with last week for sure. The writers came to play this season holy hell. Also a little birdie (my friend ha) told me the person who wrote 2x11 wrote this one. SOOO of course it's incredible. Start to finish. Once again not just the Chenford stuff either. (That was insanely good obviously. Losing my mind over it.)
I just love that they've tapped back into the show as a whole again. I mean we would have some decent B and C storylines along with our ship last couple years. But this season? Phew they are killing the game. Each week tops the last or ties it. I can see why Eric loves this season so much. Why he's called it his fav so far. It's been fantastic. I'm with him. Let us dive into the goldmine that is this episode.
7x08 Wildfire
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We start off with another Genny appearance. I love this sfm. Wasn't sure when we'd get to see her again. Definitely was not expecting a couple episodes after 7x06. This season continues to surprise and delight me in the best way. Her reply about the GPS cracks me up. I've been in traffic so bad the GPS gave up on me too LOL Yay Uncle Tim to the rescue. This was such a nice start to the ep for Tim.
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This is the season that continues to give and give. More of Tim's house AND an Uncle Tim scene? *swoon* I love that the first thing they ask about is where the good boy is. We all love him and need more of him in all of our lives. Kojo is at daycare hehe Considering how this episode goes down I'm grateful for it.
They try to pull one over on him but it ain't working. Not even a little bit. Lmao I adore how he pops back in to catch them instantly disobeying. The best part is they say 'Yes sir.' when they're caught. The love and respect is evident. It's so lovely. Seeing him in Uncle Tim mode is so cute I can't stand it. Little gem I didn't knew I needed. Well done writers.
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I love Lucy bee-lining for Tim to let him know about the looting in his neighborhood. The best part is her immediately jumping in his car to get to his nephews. My heart. Such a short but impactful scene. Does my shipper heart good to see it. Chips down they're always there for each other. That's never changed despite all the messy relationship issues. A constant for them we all love to see.
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So many things to love about this next portion. I wasn't able to get it all in. But the way they enter the house together on guard. As you all know I love watching them in the field. It is ship crack for me. I'll never be over the well oiled machine that is them. It is the ONE thing that never suffered no matter how bad it got between them.
It's their center and it held well. I friggin love the pic. Oh my word. It's from the baseball game in 5x11. The little things are the best. I love the small details. Tim is so damn sassy 'Gently.' Can't say I didn't think the same when they were man handling his TV. lol
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Then the ship crack really kicks in. Fighting the stealing duo together. gimme gimme. Poetry in motion as always. Love to see it. The funniest part is his nephew's reappearance. Cracks me up they were playing the entire time. LOL Of course Genny shows up to see it all. Little bit of levity amongst a sea of intensity during this ep. Also relief the boys will be safe and headed home with her after this.
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Oh my word, them talking about his nephews. Be still my damn heart. I love that she had a relationship with them. Not only that she coached them as well. Her joke about the curveball making Tim's smile even wider. Could he be more in love with her? *sad sigh* This is why the breakup destroyed her. Stuff like this. No doubt she thought they were getting married and we're forever. She had relationships with his sister and her kids. Legit ones to the point they miss and ask about her.
Tim was her one and done. The first time she fell in love and thought it was going to be her future. He was going to be her future. Oh Timothy, you really stepped in it when you let her go. My goodness. I love getting peeks into their life outside the station when they were together. This was a fantastic addition to that. The details in this one making me insanely giddy. Too bad we don't get to hear what he told them but hot damn I enjoyed this little tidbit moment.
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The immense fire interrupts their lovely moment. They're trapped and have to radio in as such. Grey is one giant ball of panic even thought he's trying to hide it. Despite being his officers those are his friends in real danger. Not only that he is stuck at a command post hoping against hope they make it out. Eric killing me with his expressions once again.
The deep breath he takes before formulating a plan is everything. Suggests they leave the shop ASAP. Just a tinder box waiting to happen. When he said to use a safety blanket I was percolating with excitement. That meant tight quarters and goodness to come. I could feel it. I was legit vibrating this morning as I watched this go down. Tim not giving Lucy a ton of relief saying he saw it on youtube once lol
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I absolutely love the role reversal here. Tim is the rambling one. Going on and on. Lucy has to be the one get him to focus. He’s spewing facts that mean nothing to her in this moment. She just needs to know they’re going to be ok. That this is going to work and they're not going to die in this fire.
First time we see Tim come undone and not have the cooler head between them. Lucy has to be the one to get him to focus and give her a straight yes or no answer. Her anxiety can't take the long winded reply. I love her face and hand she puts up letting him know as such. She needs his reassurance not his facts.
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This is the meat and potatoes of this scene right here. The sass coming from this man in this scene lmao I love him sfm. 'What, You got somewhere to be?' Oh my lord. These two. Lucy cuts him to the quick. Trying to stop this near death-love confession of his. Tim continuing the sass train saying he could be saying something hateful. LOL Doubtful my love very very doubtful. You forget she knows you just as well as you do her. Lucy continues to try and water down his confession by cutting him off. Saying she knows what he's going to say.
That he's still in love with her. Tim's reply is primo. ‘The arrogance.' This made me cackle. My god this is not the time to be fighting her on this Timothy. Also she’s not wrong babe.... He gives in and says she's not wrong. Of course he still loves her. *heart clutch* Here's what I love the most about him saying this. It's fact that he couldn’t die or possibly let her leave this earth without letting her know he’s still in love with her. That he loves her. That fact still hasn't changed for him. I’m sure he’s worked it out in therapy and lives with the guilt of it daily. Her wondering if he still loved her. If he truly loved her like she loved him.
I remember thinking about that in post 6x06. And it honestly killed me the thought of it. When he broke it off how she must've felt like he didn't love her anymore. Or fell out of love. Or never even cared at all with how he tossed them away. When it was the farthest thing from the truth. Whether she realizes it or not she needed to hear this from him. To hear him say he still loved her. It’ll mean more post this moment than anything else. I think this healed a small part of her. Whether she wanted to hear it or not. I think she sensed it in 6x09 with their hug. With the way he clung to her and told he he wasn't ok till that hug. But this is verbal confirmation for her. He loves her.
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Her anger is still shining through when Tim asks if she still loves him? As it should. He DEEPLY wounded her. Also only they could have a near death-love confession and be fighting through the entire thing LOL I love them sfm fandom. I truly do. It's insane how much I do. ‘You are infuriating.’ Doesn't crack or let it slip she loves him back still. Now her non reply truly is her answer. Tim can see that and it's why he says 'So that's a yes?' He knows her. But she is fighting him every step of the way.
Lucy is not going to be an easy nut to crack. Nor should she be. He straight up scarred her for life with that breakup. The carelessness of it. Fuck, it damaged me for sure. This show and this ship are my happy place. I was going through a rough and painful transition in life when it occurred. So it hit me real hard when it happened. My happy place was suddenly not so happy anymore. I struggled with it a lot. Can only imagine how Lucy felt. She has a rock hard exterior slash wall with him. Even facing death she couldn’t verbalize she’s still in love with him too. It risks too much for her. He shattered her heart into a million pieces.
Tim is slowly picking up the many shards but its going to take time. He is going to have to keep chipping away at her wall. Because the scars he left on her heart run very deep. It’s going to take him continuing to try and keep that convo going in order to get her to a good place. A place where she can unleash her pent up anger toward him. To be able to receive his deepest amends to get them on the road to recovery. Loved his 'I know!' He knows he's infuriating. Doesn't fight her and I love the self awareness of his line. The way he cradles her head at the end as they come together. I CANNOT everyone. The tender protection of this has me reeling.
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The banter doesn't skip a beat when they emerge. Tim bragging they would make it. Lucy of course doesn't let him get away with it. Because she is wifey and that won't stand. Heh. Gah the way he helps her up. It's so tender and sweet. Once again the little things I adore so very much. Also lets note the look he gives when he radios in 'Code Four.' The man is a glass house of transparency for his feelings. No way she doesn't know he is gone for her even minus the confession.
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THIS HUG. OMFG. Tim doesn't hesitate to pull her in. It's the way he holds her holy cow. The moment they have a second to breathe she's in his arms. He needs to grab her and make sure she's really next to him. To ground himself. They legit just survived a near death experience together. The way she falls into him. *happy sigh* Wraps one arm around his back and has her other hand placed intimately on his stomach. I may faint. The wide shot from behind is beautifully done. Showing them what they just made it through together.
It's the way he shuts his eyes and sways with her on the return shot that gets me. Lucy reaching up to touch his stomach once again. Grounding herself through touching him as well. Her eyes filling with tears as she views the destruction they got through. It's such a beautiful moment. I love their hugs SO much. They always convey so much love and emotion in them. Was hoping for a new one this year. Wish granted. The giving season continues to give. This will be my new header for sure. When I find the right gif.
I feel like moments like this I can consider as 'Little doses' He’s trying so hard everyone. He really is. Since s7 started the man has done everything he can while respecting her bounds. Wants to continually show up for her in whatever capacity she'll accept him in. To rebuild her trust in him. Now she’s not there yet and rightfully so. But he’s chipping away slowly with moments like this. This is an amazing moment step forward for them.
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Lucy reaches out first in the hospital. Talking about priorities and them being crystallized. Tim looking at her with massive heart eyes when he says his were clear. She is his #1 priority. That has never changed. Even during the breakup she was. Because he was doing it in his mind at the time to protect her. So his priorities have been clear for awhile. But even more so post-therapy. That clarity was sharpened into focus ten fold for him. She is it. It just has taken on a new life and context for him post-therapy.
Lucy does not see what he is throwing down unfortunately. That or she's avoiding reading into what he's saying. I can't decide. That's the beauty of doing my in-depth ones in the summer. Because I'll have the whole season in hand to make a better analysis of that. What I can tell you was Tim wanted to have the convo again. Now his panic is at 100 when she says she needs to move forward. It's pouring out of his eyes the panic of what that means. Striking some terror into his soul. Him worrying she means personally.
Luckily Lucy’s talking about her career instead. Now he is a little dejected still but not nearly as panicked. Agreeing once again just like in 7x06 and letting go of the convo he wants to have....Oh my boy. You’re gonna have to make it happen honey. She is too gun-shy after what you did. You’re gonna have to really really make this happen. Oooh man they’re really gonna make us work for this reconciliation and I’m here for it. Holy hell this season is good. The writers brought it this year I have to say.
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Now I know some want a reconciliation already. I get it. Really I do. I miss them being together too. My heart aches and longs for it. BUT they need to really flesh this out. I don't see it as being dragged out so much as worked out. If they don't and they got back together right now people would complain. Saying Tim didn't do the work or work out his shit or take accountability. (Which is he BTW thank you writers for last week) Or that Lucy's feelings are being ignored and she's easily letting him back in. This delay is showing neither of those things are true. Lucy is protecting her feelings and heart still. Tim is really going to have to continually show up for her. They say an apology is useless unless there is changed behavior. He's gotta keep showing her he's changed.
His actions will speak louder than anything. This is going to take time. I keep saying that because it's true. Tim is going to need to continue to put in the work. That way she can get to a place where her feelings are expressed and acknowledged. Where she can truly let him have it and they can move forward. Have that adult convo she was so wrongfully denied in 6x07. When the man was nowhere near ready. He is now. Thing is she isn't ready yet. That's ok. I like them slowing it down to explore them getting fixed in other ways before that convo. Also that it isn't going to be on easy on Tim. You know I love my boy but he's going to have to EARN her back ten times over. It needs to be hard. Now her going for Sergeant? I’m down with.
To quote the legend Alexis Rose. 'Love that journey for you.' This will give her career clarity. I want that so badly for her. Especially if it gets her out of his chain of command. Fixes that issue instantly. Also the smiles happening based on that were so sweet. Tim, literally laying it down, they could be together if she wanted, should she make Sergeant. She smiles with her reply. *screams into pillow* The throw back to 2x02 made me dizzy with happiness. How beautifully full circle would it be for him to help her make Sergeant? To help her study? (loving this idea btw.). The flirty vibes in this scene made me squee. Their base banter is still alive and well. Lucy is flirting right back everyone. This is an excellent sign. Saying they could get a 'Head start early.' Flirty af back at him.
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Dumbass Seth comes in and incriminates himself like the idiot he is… Idk what he was thinking saying this in front of not only Lucy but Tim? You little fool. He warned you not to put her in jeopardy. Said you'd regret if you did. My god I fanned myself at his reply to Seth. The feral like stare along with his reply? Hot damn. Get me some ice water. Tim is coming for you dude. Locked and loaded. He told you he would kill you if you put her in harms way. You’re a dead man Ridley. Officially marked my son.
His panic at being caught in his lie is so painfully evident. Trying to cover it up with 'checking in.' on Lucy. Put the Fear of God into them my ass. You couldn't scare a butterfly bro. The knowing shared looks are everything. You just started your countdown clock out of the FTO Seth. They're gonna work together prove what you did. Scorched Earth is coming your way whether you like it or not.
Phew. Holy moly what a good episode. It was incredibly good. End to end fantastic. That seems to be the theme this year. I'm about it. Bummed we have one mini break but after this ep we might need the slight decompression lol
Thank you as always to the amazing people who like, comment (these makes me so happy,) and reblog these. It means more than you can ever know. You are the real MVP's. I'll see you all in a couple weeks for 7x09. It'll be the halfway point which is unreal. Stay excellent my lovely readers.
Side notes-non Chenford
Love me some Wopez early in this ep very cute. They are controlled chaos haha Poor Wes stuck with all the kids lol
'Wealthy glamorous widow.' Angela Lopez you are a Queen and I adore you.
Angela's serious talk with Nyla was really good. She didn't listen sadly (at first) but loved her for doing that knowing wouldn't be well received. Nyla is having hard ole time this season. She is starting to crack and it shows.
Good job Nolan with the kid. I like them tapping back into what made him likeable in the first couple of seasons. Also him calling Bailey while she was fighting fires was hilarious. Like I'm a little busy bub lol
Of course Seth hid the note…I mean it got us our moment but still. That is going to come back and end him. Tim and Lucy were affected by this. Grey was SHAKEN by his mishap, Won't just be them coming after him with a vengeance when he is found out.
I love that Nyla listens to Angela at the end and taking care of herself. Too bad it doesn't last long.
Jesus what a way to end the ep poor James......That girl got annihilated no way she makes it.
Glad they posted the viewer discretion advised. My heart goes out to Cali and all they've lost.
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wanna-be-bold · 2 months ago
So this person completely stole @girlintotv 's fanfiction because they didn't get a birthday fic written???
Please get a life. I hope AO3 takes this down soon but until then Chenford fandom do what you do best.
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cfr749 · 11 months ago
Hi! I’m new to this fandom, just finished binge watching all 5 seasons. Who do you think had feelings first - Tim or Lucy? Also who realized it first? I always felt that Tim realized it first when Lucy was taken by Caleb, but then he was ready to marry Ashley so idk 🤪 Would love to know your thoughts 😊
Hi anon!
I feel like a massive jerk for sitting on this, and taking so long to welcome you to the fandom!
But also... it's kind of your fault for asking such an impossible question to answer simply because canon is riddled with examples of things like you mentioned above and trying to figure out what they were thinking in seasons 4 and 5 feels like this (to me):
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It's worth mentioning that there are amazingly thoughtful people in this fandom that have done an incredible job of filling in the blanks; @theflyindutchwoman and @makeitastrength come to mind off the top of my head, but I know there are many, many others as well (feel free to drop any faves in the comments) .
Unfortunately, I have a brain that really struggles to let go of inconsistencies, which has resulted in a wildly volatile love-hate relationship with this show for me.
I was hoping if I held on to the ask, I'd be able to give you a thoughtful answer, and I'm not sure that this is it, but for what's it worth, I'll just share where my head was at some key points, beginning with the early days...
Early Chenford Era (S1-3x07):
My headcanon here has always been that there was some level of a mutual attraction, first physical and then emotional. Not anything either would act on, but a level of chemistry between them nonetheless.
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As far as awareness, I'd score Tim as somewhere between oblivious and so highly compartmentalized that even if it had popped into his head on occassion, he never gave it any actual space to breathe or grow.
For Lucy, I think she was generally somewhere between mostly compartmentalized but also aware of the fact that he's hot and it's fun to push his buttons because he's such a hardass. So possibly a bit of awareness of the attraction, but zero intention to do anything more than have a little fun with it in an attempt to soften him up a bit. And zero belief or desire that it would be anything more than that.
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GIF Credit: @thesweetnessandthesarcasm
There's definitely an awareness of the fact that aren't afraid to test each other's limits -- sometimes it's intense and other times it's fun and flirty, but either way, it starts to build some delicious tension.
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But in moments of high stress or vulnerability, we got glimpses of just how much their emotional connection was growing, whether they were willing to admit it or not.
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Needless to say, this was my favorite Chenford era. I think it was beautifully executed (even if it was all by accident 😂). I think the development was organic and believable and what the very best slow burns are made of.
Thanks for the thoughtful and kind ask, anon! If this is at all interesting to you, feel free to drop me another ask and I will continue in a separate post with my thoughts on the infamous feelings prank and what followed.
Welcome to the fandom!
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lazyrookiequeen · 1 year ago
I love Chenford fandom so much!
We're holding fingers crossed and making assumptions, what would be the best story for Tim and Lucy, and wishing our hopes come true, while the whole season six is already written and almost filmed. That makes me feel strange 😀
1) I love them together.
2) I don't like (not to say hate) the whole UC plot.
3) I'm patiently waiting for this UC story to end. Actually, I'm a little bit tired of chewing this problem from episode to episode (too much for me, just like Elijah Stone story).
4) I'd like to see something new about them - Tim's career in Metro, Lucy's shining in patrol (that was the reason I liked The rookie - not detective stories, but daily police routine), Tim meeting Lucy's family (oh, just try to confuse him with your attitude to police, Mrs Chen!), them helping to babysit Angela's and Nyla's babies, Tim helping James in his community center (oh, don't forget to bring your sarcasm with you, Timothy)...
P. S. If you like the UC plot - nothing personal 😀
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